Beyond 9 to 5: Promoting Financial Security and Stability for Survivors

Beyond 9 to 5: Promoting Financial Security and Stability for Survivors

It is incredibly expensive to experience domestic and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. The financial impact is often long-lasting. When you are in the position to leave your harm-doer, you are often met with the very real awareness that you cannot financially afford to stay safe. Whether by intentional sabotage of economic opportunities, credit, and financial solvency by harm-doers, or inflexible workplace policies that fail to understand that you bring your whole self to work or properly remedy discrimination in the workplace, a path to achieving financial security and stability is essential for all survivors. This session will lift up resources, strategies, and tools for you to achieve greater economic security.

Deborah J. Vagins, President & CEO, National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)
Linda A. Seabrook, General Counsel and Director of Workplace Safety & Equity, Futures Without Violence
Em Jackson, Director of Peer Engagement & Support, FreeFrom
Kiesha Preston, Activist

Safe exit